About Us | 關於我們

Founded in 2023, cantonese.ai is a Hong Kong company that specializes in developing cutting-edge AI technologies for the Cantonese language. Our mission is to promote and preserve the Cantonese language in the AI era and use the technology to empower the Cantonese-speaking community and enhance their daily lives and competitiveness.

Our founder, Keith Hon, self funded the company with the mission to build a local company that can better fit the needs of Hong Kong people and the Cantonese speakers around the world. Keith grew up and studied in Hong Kong and he believes instead of relying on foregin big tech companies, Hong Kong deserves a local company that can provide the best Cantonese AI services.

成立於 2023 年,cantonese.ai 是一家專門開發與廣東話人工智能技術相關的香港公司。我們的使命是在人工智能時代推廣和保護廣東話,並利用科技為粵語社群賦能,改善他們的日常生活和提升競爭力。

我們的創辦人 Keith Hon 自籌資金創辦該公司,旨在能夠更好地滿足香港人以及世界各地粵語使用者的需求。 Keith 在香港成長並讀書,他認為香港需要有一家本地公司,而不是依賴外國大型科技公司,去提供最好的廣東話人工智能服務。